Message from the Director
Welcome to
North Shore Nursery School!
Throughout my career, I have often been asked “Why do you continue to do the work that you do in the field of Early Childhood Education?” My response has never changed: because it is the most important work there is to do!
I believe children come into this world as capable beings. They teach us those “aha” moments in life which lead to a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. They come into the world with open arms, hands, mouths, and minds. They possess voices ready to share and ideas of adventures yet to be explored. I can’t think of a better gift than to be able to support a young child’s first learning experiences.
Through play, children are forming questions about the world around them. They are constantly developing their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. As they make sense of their environments, they are also developing a deeper sense of self: self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-reliance, and self-reflection.
At North Shore Nursery School we offer welcoming, nurturing environments where children feel safe to share and take risks. Our environments are specifically designed for preschool children. With natural light streaming through each classroom our interior and exterior settings allow children in our program to feel confident and secure. Our environments: indoor classroom, outdoor classroom, gross motor room (Big Room), conservation land, and maker spaces allow for small and large group interactions through playful experiences.
We hope you will join us in some capacity to celebrate early childhood by: scheduling a visit, becoming involved as a parent, connecting with us through the community, or inquiring about working with our dynamic teachers and staff. It is my hope that when you do, you will feel the same way I do when I step into a classroom and think, “Wow, I wish I could go back to preschool and be a student in this classroom!” I invite you to see the many ways we “embrace the wonder of childhood” at North Shore Nursery School
Jessie Vogel

Jessie Vogel, Director